
Kate Middleton Jumps Over Cans as Prince Harry Plays With a Ball During Commonwealth Games Visit: See the Funny Royal Pics!

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton Danny Lawson - WPA Pool / Getty Images
The royal family is showing off their sports skills!
During a visit to the Commonwealth Games Village in Glasgow today, Kate Middleton, Prince William and Prince Harry got in on the action by participating in some sporting events.
Dressed in a bright blue dress and navy jacket with wedge heels, the Duchess of Cambridge was all smiles while participating in the South African jumping game of three tins. For the event, Kate showed off her impressive hopping skills and landed perfectly on her two feet despite her formal attire.
VIDEO: Inside the royal baby's 1st birthday!
      Danny Lawson - WPA Pool / Getty Images
But Kate wasn't the only one who got in on the action. Harry was caught playing a game of catch looking a bit like with a kitten with a toy! Harry and his older brother also tried their hand at three tins during the visit.
In addition to playing some games, Kate, Will and Harry enjoyed a tour of the athletic facilities at Hampden Park where Will even stopped to play video games with some young girls. The trio also got to meet world-famous Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt before heading to the stadium stands to kick back and watch some of the Commonwealth Games from the bleachers.
      Danny Lawson - WPA Pool / Getty Images
Kate also chatted with fans and revealed son Prince George has taken a liking to swimming! "[Kate's] been swimming with him. She said he loves the water and he grabs things to splash with," Commonwealth champion James Hickman told ITV. "So, maybe he could be the next royal to take part in the Olympics, and if he was in swimming that would be incredible."
Too cute.


Robert Pattinson Talks Kristen Stewart Relationship and Cheating Scandal Breakup

Courtesy Esquire/Simon Emmett
Robert Pattinson is once again opening up about his famous ex-girlfriend Kristen Stewart.
In a new interview with Esquire U.K., the 28-year-old Brit actor reflects on the public's intense fascination with his and Stewart's relationship, which ultimately ended after Stewart was caught cheating on him.
"S--t happens, you know?" the Twilight star laughed. "It's just young people...it's normal! And honestly, who gives a s--t?"
"The hardest part was talking about it afterwards," Pattinson added. "Because when you talk about other people, it affects them in ways you can't predict," he says. "It's like that scene in Doubt, where he's talking about how to take back gossip? They throw all those feathers from a pillow into the sky and you've got to go and collect all the feathers."
PHOTOS: Pattinson's movie star pics
Courtesy Esquire/Simon Emmett
Even though he and Stewart are no longer together, Pattinson is still the subject of constant attention from the media and paparazzi.
"I don't understand why," he told the mag. "I think it goes through periods where you're assigned 'this is the guy to follow'. But whenever I see a bunch of paparazzi hanging out, I always think, 'Oh God, what have they found out!' Oh, that love child! I totally forgot!"
It's hard to remember when Pattinson wasn't an A-list celebrity, but the hunky star remembers the first time he felt like he'd officially made a name for himself in Hollywood.
"I remember when it happened," he said. "I was going to clubs in L.A. and you had to call the promoters ahead of time to get on the guest list. But one time I forgot to call, and I was on the list anyway. That's when I knew. I showed up with mustard down my T-shirt and they're like giving me the wink, 'Yeah, man, you're on the list.'"


Amazing!! 5 Awesome Ways Love Improves Your Life


So many people live life in a constant state of anguish in their relationship. Either they don’t like their partner or they don’t like them enough. Everyone can improve their relationship to make it more satisfying. Yet, most people don’t.

It’s most likely because they don’t realize how significant love is in life. Love can improve your life in so many ways that we can’t possibly list them all here. However, I have chosen the top 5 reasons how love can greatly enhance your life in hopes that it may persuade people to finally take action on their relationship and make it one that they truly want and deserve.

#1 Love Energizes You
Think back to when you first met the love of your life. Just for a few moments, put yourself back in that time. How did you feel? Elated? Walking on air? Did you feel like you could do anything and everything? Now, think about what if you could have that feeling all the time. That feeling you had was being in love with your partner. Finding that love again could bring that incredible feeling back and give you that love for life that you had once before.

#2 Calms You
When you come home, do you instantly release yourself into your partner’s arms? No? Well, wouldn’t that feel nice? Just imagine if after a long grueling day, the both of you could come home and take comfort in each other, knowing that whatever happened during the day is now over and you can now relax with the one person who wasn’t part of all that mess during the day.

#3 Makes You a Better Person
Having love inside of you enables you to share it with others. This will show in your behavior as you open doors for strangers or hold them open for them. It shows as you stand in line and someone cuts you off and all you do is say, “It’s okay, you must be in a hurry today.” rather than the usual curse word. When you are in love, others benefit from it just as much as you do and that is something to be proud of because it makes you a better human being.

#4 Helps You Solve Problems
Life isn’t easy and there are many challenges along the way. When you truly love someone, you trust them completely to help you with problems. This can be a relief when your suck and don’t have a clue which way to go. Two heads are always better than one and when you love your partner, you’ll always have that other head on your side.

#5 Live Longer
Being in love will mean that you want to take care of yourself so you can be your best for your partner. You may exercise more, you may not want to get sick as much because it’ll mean not being about to spend time with them, and it also means that you’ll take precautions to protect yourself from an early death. Love also has physiological effects since it’s a natural stress reducer, which prevents many chronic stress related diseases, such as heart disease.

How much do you love your partner? It’s time to pay more attention to this area of your life. The New Year is coming upon us. Make a resolution to renew your relationship. Everyone needs someone that they can love and lean on in life – bring that wonderful feeling back into your life.

Marcelina Hardy is a guest blogger for PickTheBrain. If you need help with relationship problems so  that you can get to a point in your relationship where you can love again, please visit Relationship Repair. I am an experienced relationship coach with a passion to help individuals and couples overcome relationship problems and improve their relationships.


Health, Why You Should Take More Time for Yourself


In today’s busy world, it’s easy to put everyone else first. With the demands of work and family, it might feel that there’s not much time left over for you. Perhaps you even feel guilty about taking time for yourself – after all, shouldn’t you be spending that time with your kids, or your spouse, or your in-laws?
We all need time to rest and recharge. If life feels so busy that you’re convinced you can’t manage to have a few hours for yourself, then it’s especially crucial that you carve out some “me time”. Here’s why:

You Need to Take Care of Your Health

If you run yourself into the ground, you’re not going to be much help to the people around you.
That might seem a rather cold way to look at things – but if you’re struggling to justify your daily meditation practice, your exercising, your book club, or whatever it might be, then you need to remind yourself that your health is vital.
Good physical and mental health requires upkeep of your body, mind and soul. That might mean:
  • Body: Jog for 30 minutes, three times a week
  • Mind: Read a book during your lunch hours
  • Soul:  Go to a religious service (or other act of worship) regularly

You Want Space to Breathe and Think

If your life is starting to feel like a treadmill, it’s time to hit the stop button.


Experience, Leverage – Key to Business Success

Leverage is an extremely powerful concept. The ability to use it in your personal life and business means the difference between setting you free, and setting you up as a slave to someone or something else. There’s no short-cuts to success, but leverage gives us the best chance at making the most out of our efforts. Learn several ways to use it to your advantage, so you can become a part of the 1%.

Lets start with a definition of leverage from Dictionary.com:
“The use of a small initial investment, credit, or borrowed funds to gain a very high return in relations to ones investment, to control a much larger investment, or to reduce one’s own liability for any loss.”
Ok, so lets look at some methods that you can use leverage to your advantage.

One of the more well known ways to leverage your money is to invest it. But in what?
The most popular way is through stocks. With this type of investment, you are simply allowing your money to work FOR YOU, rather than you putting in the time or the work yourself. Of course, there is risk in stocks, as there is any any profit making adventure, but through some general knowledge and sound advice, you can start to earn additional income and save for your retirement. Something most people desperately need, especially at this stage of the economic uncertainty. It can also only take a half an hour a day.

A recently popular fad (that is coming to an end, or has come to an end for some) is real estate. In the last 10 years, this investment has grown beyond its limits and made many people some quick money. However, the investment required was often only in the 5-10% range to control a property, and from there you could decide if you wanted to upgrade and flip yourself, or have someone else do it for you (leveraging your time).

Unfortunately, you can only run the housing market to ridiculous prices for so long until it all comes crashing down and the investment is not worth the risk. I believe for many areas across the US, we are in that time. In Canada, there are still pockets of profitable opportunity, but not near what it used to be. That, and it takes a lot of time and energy.


Adventure, Climbing Mount Kinabalu Is Going To Be Ascending To Heaven

Climbing Mt Kinabalu will probably be the most fun experience within your lifetime. This unique mountain is very “friendly” and possesses a whole lot to provide to its users, that you should be more impressed with each step you adopt.

As you start climbing Mount Kinabalu, there are certain things you should take into account:

Tone up first!

Since you are close to ascending to the tallest pinnacle in South east Asia, you ought to be in shape for the excursion. Remember to be in good health with no physical issues that can make it hard to access the top. It is extremely arduous, simply because you need to go directly up then straight down, struggling with rugged surfaces and having to take huge steps oftentimes. You’ll need to be extremely attentive during the vertical sections. You’ll want to workout a little previous to selecting to start up the climb in order to acquire energy.

Pack sensibly!
Obviously, climbing Mount Kinabalu, as it happens with all rock climbing, demands an effective management of your backpacks. Without exception pack light to ensure you can transport your luggage devoid of too many efforts. Bring merely the required products and revel in the time at the summit. It is better that you possess some snack foods together with you for getting vitality and durability.

If you suffer from elevation condition, remember your own medicine to prevent yourself from frustrating conditions. Dress in very good trekking footwear, thus you’ll be certain you do not slide and will evade undesirable mishaps. Also, you need to package warming clothings and possibly a poncho or a rain coat. And lights and ropes really are a must!


Food, Broccoli Cheese Soup and I.O.U.


 Today is the second finalle of the Heaven's Cake Bakers.  We're supposed to be telling you about the 3 tier wedding cake we've prepared.  I'm one that advocated for including a wedding cake, but I'll have to give you and I.O.U.

I've been cooking two mornings a week at a ministry coffee shop - mainly their menu items, but occasionally something special from my repertoire.  You know a few of Rose's recipes will make an appearance.  You can read more about Sweet Surrender on their website or on my Polish blog

With the time I spend in the kitchen at the coffee shop, I've been baking less at home, but Rhonda was kind enough to let me share the recipe for their broccoli soup.  It's quick, easy, and delicious!


Health, Bad Ingredients – top 10

Remember when mom made food fresh every day with nary anything but a wholesome ingredient? You never had to read an ingredient or learn how to pronounce them because they were not made in a laboratory. Well, at least we have the memories.

Where did it all go wrong? A lot of what has to do with preserving shelf life and coming up with alternatives that are patentable (and therefore profitable). Both help increase company’s margins and for the executive that’s the bottom line. We can also blame subsidies on certain commodities such as corn which resulted in over production and having to create new and innovative ways to utilize them.
So I present to you ingredient deal breakers you should rarely if ever consume. Some of these ingredient frauds will be all too familiar but bear repeating as their persistent presence in food still illustrates that we have not stopped consuming these types of products. Choosing to not consume them is your vote for healthier alternatives.

Top 10 Ingredient No-No’s

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – found in nearly everything, it is mostly consumed through fruit juices, sodas, and sweet snacks. Its been referred to as poison that causes obesity and liver damage. It is completely unnatural, goes through a terrible process that leaves it riddled with heavy metals, and spikes sugar levels out of control. Hello diabetes!

2. MSG – commonly disguised and used as a “flavor enhancer” in a wide variety of foods, it is commonly referred to or hidden in autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, smoke flavor, spices, and a number of other ingredients. It is a neurotoxin and should be avoided at all costs.

3. Aspartame (Artificial Sweeteners) – made famous in diet sodas, this chemical sweetener is so deadly it should be considered poison. When broken down it has been said to turn into formaldehyde and wood alcohol. Any sweetener that claims it is calorie free, aside from stevia and xylitol, should never touch the human tongue.


Human, How To Prevent Seasonal Mood Disorder


When the winter season arrives, the days begin to get shorter and shorter. During seasonal shifts, it is not uncommon for people to experience alterations in their moods. Commonly, negative feelings and attitudes are associated with the winter months. Though it was once believed to be simply a dislike for the cold; research in recent decades has shown otherwise. Indications suggest that the bad moods that are felt in the autumn and winter are not solely caused by an affinity for the spring and summer seasons.

In fact, since 1984 psychiatrists have been testing and studying the ill effects that people experience during the winter.  Originally theorized by Dr. Norman Rosenthal, negative feelings and emotions during specific times of the year are often attributed to a seasonal disorder. People call it “the winter blues” or “the winter sadness” (though it may occur in summer, occasionally.) Doctors refer to this condition as seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.). Whatever the name, it is a serious condition and should be treated accordingly.

What the Causes Are
The causes of seasonal affective disorder have been researched and tested by many professionals in the fields of both psychology and psychiatry. The Harvard School of Health has established that one of the leading causes of this ailment is lowered Vitamin D levels in the affected. The reduced daylight in the winter months is a major factor to the existence of this serious malady.

Some of the factors that lead to this disorder (and many other psychological and physical ailments) are genetics, poor exercise/nutrition and poor air quality. Since genetics cannot be altered, environmental conditions and habitual changes should be taken into consideration.